In a massive departure from her original personality, Chica has been turned into a stereotypical valley-voiced party girl. Lots of people hated this, as it felt like her character was being mishandled and insulted. Equally detested was her implied romantic past with Foxy, which diehard Chica and Freddy fans took personally.

Her beak is only supposed to come off for maintenance reasons, since it was assumed she would have the same complications with food previous Chica models did. Mysteriously, that wasn’t the case.

Hardcore defender of the 5 second rule.

The one that bit Jeremy. Where's her beak? Lodged in your forehead of course...

Her cupcake isn't actually his own character. He's just a security camera with a cute shell. She still loves him though!

She thinks Freddy is kind of a weenie, and she’s right. Even so, Chica is fond enough of him to go along with what he says.

A bit flirty, but if reciprocated she will get spooked and back off. She's been making some passes at the old Bonnie model, but it's debatable if he's picking them up.