Circus Baby

Free smell: Birthday Cake

World's Biggest Ant

Overtook Freddy as the boss of the establishment.

Oblivious to the other’s opinions of her, assumes they’re great friends.

Still hears Elizabeth sometimes. She effects Baby's desires and memory somewhat, but Baby can still tell them apart even if Elizabeth can't. Baby can tell when she's hearing Elizabeth and not her own thoughts.

Too bulky to do many typical clown acts, but she sure can juggle and balance on a ball.

Enjoys the spotlight, but doesn't always know what to do with it.

Delights in circus peanuts!

The end is always worth the means. No need to be a sore loser.

Sneaks into the office to watch disney movies, especially The Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid is the only movie they have.

Jeepers creepers, where’d you get those eyes?

Like anything else, she's afraid to die down here. She refuses to.

A jester cannot juggle if she does not struggle